Friday, October 26, 2007

Stinckers - "They stickANDthey stink"

Here's some new "Stinckers'-sticker designs... 4 of 9 total on the sheet.I think It's the first time I'm doing away with a black outline (!?)Using more of a beatnik color plate approach. Appropriate since it's designed for print.
Heck it's more forgiving as far as the registration is concerned.
Great for sloppy screenprinters!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Skullbox Ballet

Amsterdam is on high terror alert as a deadly skullbox is out of control and unleashed on innocent bystanders!
cardboardbox-covered with skullstickers(Patriiik! JP) mounted over battery operated policetoymotorcycle run on batteries...
Made for the show 'Let's play until we break something' at the 'Studio Apart' Gallery in Amsterdam-Oct 13th- Dec 9th 2007.